o Remove the two screws (9) and lockwashers (10) that secure the
hand pump assembly (1) to the cab-mounted bracket (11), and
discard the lockwashers (10). Remove the hand pump assembly (1)
and selector valve (6), seal off all openings to the hand pump
assembly (1), selector valve (6), and hydraulic tubing with
nonhydtoscopic tape (TM 9-2350-267-20, Appx. D, Item 61).
Disassemble the hand pump and selector valve following the steps outline:
Tag all components for identification at installation.
o Remove the gage (1) from the connector (2). Remove the connector
(2), adapter (3), and tube (4) from the tee (5).
o Remove the tube (6) from tees (5 and 7).
Remove tee (5),
reducers (8 and 10), check valve (9), elbows (11 and 13), and
tube (12).
o Remove the tee (7), adapter (15), nut (16), and handle (17) from
dump valve (14).
Remove the dump valve (14) from the bracket
(18) by removing the nut (19) and two washers (20).
o Remove the elbow (21) from the hand pump assembly.
o Remove the connectors (23 and 24), nut (26), and elbow (27) from
the selector valve (25).
o Remove the hand pump (22) from bracket (18) by removing two
screws (28), locker washers (29), and nuts (30). Remove selector
valve (25) from the bracket (18) by removing two screws (31) and
lockwashers (32).
Assemble the hand pump and selector valve following the steps outline:
o Apply pipe sealant to all male pipe threads (TM 9-2350-267-20,
Appx. D, Item 57).
o Reverse disassembly procedures, use new lockwashers as required.
Install the hand pump assembly and selector valve in the vehicle using
the process listed below:
o Apply pipe sealant (TM 9-2350-267-20, Appx. D, Item 57) to all
male pipe threads.