(1) If the LASER OUTPUT NORMAL indicator comes on, and the
LASER OUTPUT LOW indicator stays off, go to step f.
assembly A2 (figure 1-11, item 14). Refer to MAINTENANCE,
step 3-22.
(3) If both indicators stay off, go to table 3-3, malfunction
(4) If the LASER OUTPUT LOW indicator comes on and the LASER
OUTPUT NORMAL indicator stays off, go to table 3-3,
malfunction 6.
f. Look into the LR for the RANGE-METERS reading and the MULT TGT
light. Make sure the MIN RNG control is fully CCW. Press the
RESET switch.
Press and hold the FIRE switch to the second
click (firing) position.
(1) If the reading is between 4,600 and 5,000 meters and the
MULT TGT light stays off, go to step g.
(2) If the reading is 000 and the MULT TGT light stays off, go
to table 3-3, malfunction 7.
(3) If the reading is not between 4,600 and 5,000 meters, not
000 and the MULT TGT light stays off, replace the
Refer to MAINTENANCE, step
(4) If the MULT TGT light comes on, go to table 3-3,
malfunction 8.
g. Set the MODE switch to 2 TGT, and press the RESET switch.
Look into the LR. Observe MULT TGT light and the RANGE-METERS
display. Press and hold the FIRE switch to the second click
(firing) position.
(1) If the MULT TGT light comes on and the range shown is
between 4,600 and 5,000 meters, go to step h.
(2) If the MULT TGT light fails to come on, go to table 3-3,
malfunction 9.
h. Press the RESET switch.
Connect the equipment and set
controls as shown in figure 1-22, part A. Set the MODE switch
to 1 TGT.
Look at the pulse output display on the
oscilloscope at the start of the sweep. Press the FIRE switch
to the second click (firing) position.
(1) If the momentary display is as shown in figure 1-22, part A
while firing, go to step i.
(2) If the momentary display fails to show as in figure 1-22,
part A while firing, go to table 3-3, malfunction 10.