f. Ensure the battery is removed from the LR battery container.
Remove the lens protector assembly from the LR front lens, and
the eyepiece cover from the rubber eyeshield.
g. Mount the LR in the vee grooves on the alignment bracket
assembly. Press it firmly into the optical shroud and tighten
the mounting.
h. Connect the power supply to the AC power source.
Set the
i. Connect the ACA to the power supply. Insert the adapter end
of the ACA into the LR battery container.
Turn the ACA cap
j. Set the LR PWR ON switch to off.
k. Set the power supply to on.
l. Set the LR PWR ON switch to PWR ON.
m. Look into the LR eyepiece. Press and hold the MIN RNG switch
and observe the LOW BATT indicator. If the display comes on,
and the LOW BATT indicator stays off, the test set is ready
for the pass/fail test. If the LOW BATT indicator lights and
there is no display, refer to table 3-3, malfunction 12. If
the LR is mounted on the LR Tester, remove the ACA from the LR
and disconnect it from the power supply.
Pass/Fail Test.
Once you have successfully completed the pass/fail preparations, you
are ready to proceed into the pass/fail test. Each step requires a
test which in return requires an answer or action.
The first
possible answer (1) is a pass, which sends you to the next
alphabetical step.
The next possible answer(s)(2/3/4) is a fail,
telling you to take some action. Conduct testing and troubleshooting
as follows.
Proceed with the test by performing consecutive steps in the
alphabetical order indicated (i.e., subparagraph a, b, c,
Each step requires a test which in return requires an answer
or action.
The first possible answer (1) is a Pass, which
sends the test technician to the next