Check the threads on the screws for burrs, the stow lock
switch for turn and snap-in, the cable (lanyard) for security,
and the stand for distortion.
If faulty, refer to
MAINTENANCE, step 3-39.
f. Release the slide latches of the AC power cable assembly
storage compartment (figure 1-9, item 1). If the latches or
the hinged lid, the hinge, or the lettering on the lid are
damaged, obscured, or distorted, send the LR Test Set to the
assembly and inspect it for bent, broken, or missing pins, cut
or broken insulation, wires or sheathing. If the assembly is
damaged, replace it. Inspect cushions in the compartment for
twists, cracks, tears, and for less than complete grip to the
mounting surface.
If cushions are damaged, refer to
MAINTENANCE, step 3-31.
g. Release the slide latches of the ACA (figure 1-9, item 5). If
the latches, the hinged lid, hinge, or instruction plate are
damaged, smeared, or twisted, send the LR Test Set to the
depot. Open the compartment and remove the ACA. Inspect it
for bent, broken, or missing pins, cut or broken insulation,
wires or sheathing, smeared or damaged label, missing screws,
cross-threaded cap, twisted spring, or punctured or damaged
case. If damaged, refer to MAINTENANCE, step 3-41. Inspect
cushions in the compartment for twists, cracks, tears, and for
less than complete grip to the mounting surface. If cushions
are damaged, refer to MAINTENANCE, step 3-31.
h. Check the mounting of the ground terminal E1 (figure 1-9, item
11). If terminal or mounting is faulty, refer to MAINTENANCE,
step 3-37.
i. Check the MODE switch (figure 1-9, item 17) for knob mounting
and operation. If the switch is faulty, refer to MAINTENANCE,
step 3-25.
j. Check the RESET switch (figure 1-9, item 19) for mounting and
If the switch is faulty, refer to MAINTENANCE,
step 3-21.
k. Check the LASER OUTPUT LOW and LASER OUTPUT NORMAL indicators
(figure 1-9, items 21 and 22) for mounting and press
operation. Remove the lens (CCW). If lamp is missing, put in
a new one. If the indicator is faulty, refer to MAINTENANCE,
step 3-21.