Lesson 1. Description of the M88A1 Series Recovery Vehicle And The Operation of the ComponentsDescription - Od16720010Figure 1. Recovery Vehicle M88A1- Left Front View.Figure 2. Recovery Vehicle M88A1 Right Rear View.Caliber .50 Machinegun.Tabulated DataFluid Capacities.Auxiliary Equipment.Conclusion - Od16720018Introduction - Od16720019Operation of Suspension System ComponentsFigure 4. Suspension System.Compensating Idler Wheels and Track Adjusting LinksTorsion BarTrack ClassificationFigure 5. Track Shoe Link Assembly.Figure 6. Inspecting Track Guides And LinksFigure 7. Inspecting Track End Connectors And Sprocket.Sprocket ClassificationFigure 8. Inspecting Sprocket.Roadwheel Classification.Conclusion - Od16720031Practical Exercise 1 - Od16720032Requirement - Od16720033Lesson 1. Practical Exercise- Answers - Od16720034Lesson 2: Construction, Components, Maintenance, RepairAdjustment. and Troubleshooting of Various M88A1 SystemsFigure 9. engine Compartment Top Deck.Figure 10. Fan Shroud, Fans And Seal.Figure 11. Fan Housing And Engine Oil Cooler.Fan Clutch.Figure 12. Transmission Oil Cooler And Cooler frame.Figure 13. Engine and Transmission Oil Cooler LinesFigure 14. Fuel control Valves And Purge Pump.Figure 15. Engine Fuel System.Fuel Injector Pump.Figure 16. Fuel Injection Pump.Air Intake SystemFigure 17. Main Engine Air Cleaner.Figure 18. Air Intake HosesFigure 19. Manifold Air Induction Heater System.Exhaust System - Od16720050Figure 20. Exhaust System and Turbosupercharger.Cooling System - Od16720052Figure 21. Replacing Engine Cooling Fans.Removal of Defective Fan.Troubleshooting - Od16720055Figure 22. Main Engine Upper CoversFigure 23. Main Engine Upper Covers ( Cont)Figure 24. Fuel Return and Supply Lines And Cooling Fan Drive.Air Intake SystemMaintenance, Adjustment, and Repair.Figure 25. Air Intake Screen.Replacement of the Right Side Air Intake Hose.Figure 26. Auxilliary Power Unit And Right Side Air Intake.Exhaust System - Od16720064Figure 27. Transmission and Crankcase Breather Tubes And Exhaust Pipes.Conclusion - Od16720066Conclusion - Continued - Od16720067Practical Exercise 2. - Od16720068Practical Exercise 2 cont.Lesson 2. Practical Exercise- AnswerLesson 3: Construction, Maintenance, Operation, Capabilities, RepairConstruction - Od16720072Auxilliary Power Unit Data.Operation - Od16720074Figure 28. APU Electrical Switches.Figure 29. Control Box Shutoff Valve.Figure 30. Stowage Straps.To Stop APU.Troubleshooting, Maintenance, and RepairFigure 31. APU Air Filter.Figure 32. Replacing APU Fuel Filters.Removal of Fuel Filters. Bleeding the Fuel SystemFigure 33. Bleeding APU System.Task 2. Describes the Construction, Operation, Maintenance, RepairFigure 34. Main Engine GeneratorGenerator Voltage RegulatorsFigure 35. Voltage Regulator, Starter, And Neutral Safety Switch.Figure 36. Master Relay and BatteriesTroubleshooting - Od16720090Table 1. Specific Gravity --Cold ClimateFigure 37. Starting SystemTroubleshooting - ContinuedMaintenence and Repair of the Starting System.Figure 38. Replacing The Starter.Figure 39, Replacing the Starter Cont.Figure 40. Rigger's Light Selector Switch, Accessories Panel and Blower.Figure 41. Cable ConnectionsTroubleshooting Maintenance and Repair of Vehicle Figure 42. Cable Connectors ContinuedMaintenance and Repair of the Ventilator Blower SystemFigure 43. Ventillator Blower System.Figure 44. Replacing the Ventillator Blower Switch.Figure 45. Replaciing The Ventillator Blower Switch Cont.Removal of Defective Female Wire ConnectorPractical Exercise 3 - Od16720106Practical exercise 3 cont.Lesson 3. Practical Exercise- AnswersReferences - Od16720110Maintenance of the M88A1