Forward engine module lifting sling.
Bottoming tap, 1/4-28.
Extension, 3/8-inch drive, 6-inch.
Socket, 3/8-inch drive, 9/16-inch.
Socket, 3/8-inch drive, 1/2-inch.
Socket, 3/8-inch drive, 3/4-inch.
Socket, 1/4-inch drive, 3/8-inch.
Socket, 1/4-inch drive, 5/16-inch.
Socket, 1/4-inch drive, 7/16-inch.
Chain-fall hoist, 1000-pound minimum capacity.
Hoist, 1000-pound minimum capacity.
Auto adjustable wrench, 15-inch.
Open and wrench, 1-and-1/2-inch, and 1-and-3/4-inch.
Establishing the Correct Equipment Conditions.
To establish the correct equipment conditions, you must remove or disconnect
other components or parts that interfere with the removal of the forward
engine module. The following paragraphs describe the items you must remove
or disconnect before removing the forward engine module from the AGT turbine
engine. Once you have removed the items, inspect and replace any defective
components and discard any conical seals and preformed packings.
Remove the Powerpack from the Tank. Remove the powerpack from the
tank using the procedure given in TM 9-2350-264-20-1-3.
Install the Forward Overhead Engine Support.
Use the same
procedures given in part A of this lesson to install the forward
overhead engine support.