The third removal/installation process will pertain to the crew AFES
cylinder bottle bracket straps, brackets, and mount assemblies for vehicles
1 through 344.
Use Figure 21 to identify the items referred to in the
following removal/ installation procedures.
o The bracket straps (Item 6) are removed from the bracket (Items 1
and 2) by removal of the cotter pins (Item 8), two flat washers
(Item 7), and two straight pins (Item 9) from crew AFES fire
extinguishers 1 through 4. Discard the removed cotter pins.
o For crew AFES fire extinguisher, remove the bracket assembly (Item
1) from the canister rack by removal of four nuts (Item 3), four
lockwashers (Item 4), and four screws (Item 5). Discard the removed
o For crew AFES fire extinguishers no. 1, 3, and 4, you can remove the
bracket (Item 2) from the APU bulkhead of the front crew compartment
bulkhead by the removal of four screws (Item 10) and four
lockwashers (Item 11). Discard the removed lockwashers.
Upon completion of your inspection of the crew AFES bracket straps,
brackets, and mounts for vehicles 1 through 344, correct any faults you may
have found.
You may now install the removed components using the reverse
procedures of the removal process.
For installation of the AFES cylinder
bottles, follow the procedures provided in paragraph 2. Be sure to install
new lockwashers and cotter pins when installing the components.
The fourth and final removal/installation process for crew AFES cylinder
bottle bracket straps, brackets, and mounts apply to vehicles 345 and above.
Use Figure 22 to identify the items referred to in the following
removal/installation procedures.
o Remove the bracket straps (Item 1) from the crew cylinder bottle
brackets nos. 1 through 6 by the removal of two cotter pins (Item
2), two flat washers (Item 3), and two straight pins (Item 4) from
o For AFES crew fire extinguisher no. 2, remove brackets (Items 5 and
6) from the canister rack by removal of four nuts (Item 7), four
lockwashers (Item 8), two screws (Item 9), and two screws (Item 10).
o For AFES crew fire extinguisher no. 1, no. 3, and no. 4, remove
brackets (Item 5 and Item 6) from the APU bulkhead on the front crew
compartment bulkhead by removing two