Figure 1-20. Fuel Management System Branched
Wiring Harness (3W105)(First View).
Next, install the harness (1) to the temperature sensor (2)
and the speed pickups (3) by joining connector 3W105-P34 (4)
to the temperature sensor connector J34 (5), 3W105-P5 (6) to
the speed pickup connector J5 (7), and 3W105-P35 (8) to the
speed pickup connector J35 (9). Now install the tee (10) to
the reducer (12) on the filter (13) and connect the nut (14)
on the tube (11) to the tee (fig. 1-21).
To complete this installation secure the harness (1) to the
powerpack by putting the harness under the two straps (15).
With the harness properly positioned, install the two screws
(16), new lockwashers (17), and washers (18) to one side of
the duct (19) and straps (15). Then, install new straps (20)
on the harness, as required (fig. 1-21).