Step 5.
Remove 13 lockscrews, washers, and two angle brackets, if installed,
from the cover on the handwheel housing.
Discard the lockscrews and discard
brackets, if removed.
Using a flat-tip screwdriver, remove the cover from the
housing at the two pry points.
Step 6.
Loosen the screw within the housing and remove the spring clip, plate,
and connecting link from the handwheel drive chain. Then remove the chain from the
Procedural Steps for Installation of the Gun Elevation Drive Handwheel Drive
Step 1.
Position a new chain around the sprockets in the housing.
Install the
connecting link, plate, and spring clip on the new chain.
Step 2.
Adjust the guide on the housing until the chain has 7/16-9/16 inch
(11.1-14.3 mm) of free play. Tighten and torque screws on the guide to 20-23 in-lb
(23-26 cmkg).
Step 3.
Coat the mating surface of the housing with sealing compound. Position
the cover on two guide pins on the housing, coat the threads of 13 new lockscrews
with grease, then install the angle bracket, 13 washers, and new lockscrews in the
Step 4.
Check that the handwheel turns easily in both directions.
If the
handwheel does not turn easily in both directions, go to step 5. If the handwheel
does turn easily in both directions, go to step 8.
Step 5.
Remove the 13 lockscrews, washers, and angle bracket from the cover.
At pry points, using a screwdriver, pry off and remove the cover from the housing.
Step 6.
Loosen the screw on the upper guide and adjust the guide until the
chain has 7/16-9/16 inch (11.1-14.3 mm) of free play. Tighten and torque the screw
to 20-23 in-lb (23-26 cmkg).
Step 7.
Loosen the screw on the lower guide.
Go to step 2.
Step 8.
Torque the 13 lockscrews on the cover to 65-75 in-lb (75-86 cmkg).