If the two outputs (4) do not stop after the engine (2) is
at idle, apply the service brakes by pulling out the clevis
(3) until the outputs stop. Once the outputs have stopped,
release the clevis (fig. 1-32).
Have the driver set the transmission shift control to D and
idle the engine for two minutes.
After the engine
has idled for two minutes, have another
soldier push in
the steering rod (5) and listen for a
have the soldier release the control rod
and listen for an
upshift (fig. 1-32).
Have the soldier pull out the steering rod (5) and listen
for a downshift. Then have the soldier release the control
rod and listen for an upshift (fig. 1-32).
Have the drive set the transmission shift control to L and
then back to D, and listen for a downshift and an upshift.
The outputs turn slowly when the transmission is in neutral.
Figure 1-32.
Transmission Service Brakes and Control Rod.