If the stall speed was less than 1550 rpm, perform engine
system troubleshooting.
If the stall speed was greater
than 1875 rpm,
perform transmission shift subsystem
Have the driver set the TACTICAL IDLE switch to the ON
After the engine has settled near 1200 rpm
(tactical idle), you must inspect the powerpack for leaks.
If you find any leaks, shut down the engine and repair the
Restart the engine and return to tactical idle to
verify you corrected the leaks.
You must let the engine run at TACTICAL IDLE for twenty
After the engine has run at Tactical idle for
twenty minutes, have the driver set the Tactical idle
switch to the OFF position and let the engine settle to 845
- 895 rpm and then shut down the engine.
o. Prepare the Powerpack for Installation in the Tank. You must
use the steps described below to prepare the powerpack for
installation in the tank.
Disconnect the seven powerpack plug connectors (2) from the
ground hop cables, and disconnect the ground hop cables (1)
from the panel (1)(fig. 1-36).
You must cover the precleaner hose (4) with
sheet, using tape to secure the plastic sheet.
Disconnect the two coupling
halves (7)
the water
separator coupling half (8)
and engine
hose tube
coupling (9)(fig. 1-36).
Loosen the nut (10) on the clamp and remove the clamp from
the bleed air port. Remove the plug cap from the bleed air
port (fig. 1-36).
Hold the ground
pressure filter (1) by its two handles
(2) and loosen
nut on the clamp (4).
Then you slide
the filter off
store it.
Once you have removed the
filter, place
cover (6) over the screen assembly
(5)(fig. 1-37).