Remove the three nuts (2 and 3) that secure the hydraulic
test cover and install three new nuts on the studs until
about 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch of threads on the stud shows
above the nuts. After installing the new nuts, you remove
the hydraulic test cover (5) by turning it counterclockwise
and lifting it off (fig. 1-38).
Make sure the hydraulic pump (1) had a packing (6)
installed; place the hydraulic pump over the three studs
(4) and turn the pump clockwise until the three studs are
in the slots.
You can then tighten and torque the three
nuts between 45 - 55 foot pounds (fig. 1-38).
Figure 1-38.
Hydraulic Pump Installation.
You have completed the ground hop procedures and have configured the
powerpack for installation in the tank.
This concludes the lesson.
Next you perform a practice exercise to
prepare you for the examination of this lesson.