You can use the reference number assigned to a wire as another
way to make sure you have found the correct point where the
circuit continues. Look at wire harness 2W104 again and note
leading to connector P1. Now locate the find number on sheet
5 again.
Just below the find number you find the correct
reference number (45, 46, and 47).
Using the find and sheet circles, you know that wire harness
2W104 connects to the driver's master panel and this part of
the circuit you traced now provides power for other tank
circuits. However, to continue this lesson you must go back
to sheet 4, where wire harness 2W107-9 connects to J1 of the
hull networks box.
When you continue to trace the circuit from this point, it
leads to more find circles. However, note that wire harness
2W107-9 connects to wire harness 2W106-9, and the wire
find circles to locate where the circuit continues on sheet 5.
On sheet 5, you see this part of the circuit goes to the
driver's instrument panel.
At this point, the circuit
provides power for the other tank circuits.
On sheet 4, look at the find circles given for connections E1
and E2 of the terminal boards. All four of the find numbers
in the circles refer you to sheet 6 (the number in the bottom
half of the find circle), with find numbers (the numbers in
the top half of the circles) 1, 2, 5, and 6.
Locate these
find numbers on sheet 6.
Sheet 6. When you locate the find numbers (1, 2, 5, and 6) on
sheet 6, you see the circuit now provides power to the starter
Before going any further, review this
After reviewing this sheet, you know this sheet uses two other types
of find symbols, a circle and a square.
Find symbol for the same sheet. This circular find symbol
has a letter in the top half and has diagonal lines in the
bottom half. This symbol indicates the circuit continues
on the same sheet. Locate where 2W109-9 connects to J7 on
the hull networks box at one end (P3) and the other end of
the wiring harness has find symbols with the letters B, C,
and D in the top half and diagonal lines in the bottom