Hull Networks Box Enclosure.
Wire harnesses 2W101 and 2W103
Using the same criteria as you did before, you can determine
the gender of the pin connectors, number of connectors, and
type of outer coating the wire harnesses has.
The hull networks enclosure uses the same symbols as the
previous enclosures; however, it has two symbols not used
before this point.
After you have examined this enclosure,
you should find the new symbols represent a diode and a
normally closed contact.
The schematic diagram uses CR to identify a
regular diode, VR for a zener diode, and DS for a light
Look at the hull networks enclosure again and find the relay coil(s)
that controls contacts K1 (normally open) and K2 (normally closed).
These terms, normally open or normally closed, indicate the position
of the contacts when the circuit is de-energized.
After you have
examined the diagram, you find that one relay coil controls both
At the bottom of enclosure, you find wire harness 2W104 connects the
hull networks box to the driver's master panel.
At this point the
circuit provides power for other circuits.
At the right side of the hull networks enclosure, you find wire
harness 2W109-9 connects the hull networks box to the hull turret
slip ring; a note refers you to TM 9-2350-264-24-2 to continue
tracing the circuit.
You use the same process to trace any of the unit level functional
symbol, refer to the appendix and review the electrical symbols to
refresh your memory.
Direct Support/General Hull Elementary Diagram.
For this part of the lesson, you must use the Hull Elementary Wiring
Diagram (DS/GS Level)(shown in appendix A). To prepare for this part
of the lesson, you should review sheets 1 through 4 of the wiring
diagram. When you review the sheets you should find the following on
sheet 1:
A Note for Reference.
You cannot use these types of wiring
diagrams as point-to-point wiring references since