Now look for the same find symbol, which is at the
hull/turret slip ring enclosure.
In actual application
the wire harness (2W109-9) connects the hull networks box
and the hull/turret slip ring.
But, for clarity, the
you can use the reference number assigned to the wires to
double check the accuracy of location.
Lamp monitor find symbol.
This square find symbol
indicates a lamp monitor circuit continues on a different
You use this square find and sheet number symbol
in the same manner as the circular find and sheet number
symbol when you trace a lamp monitor circuit.
For example, the lamp monitor find symbol, located in the
driver's master panel enclosure, tells you to continue
tracing the circuit by going to sheet 21 and finding the
number 126. The square lamp monitor symbol you must find
on sheet 21 has the sheet number you came from in the
bottom half of the square, like the circular find symbol.
process from this lesson to trace the tank's electrical circuits.
understand a symbol, refer to appendix A and refresh your memory.
This concludes the lesson. The next item you perform is a practice
exercise to prepare you for the examination of this lesson.