they are functional system schematics.
One sheet may not
contain all circuitry relating to a component.
For example,
you will find an enclosure for the hull networks box on
several sheets.
A Component Designation Explanation (lower right side of the
A Listing of the Symbols Used on the Diagram (e.g., find and
sheet numbers, wire harness explanation, etc.).
A Component Index.
A Circuit Index.
the hull/turret slip ring index.
When you traced a circuit using the unit level schematic, it showed
only the components that applied to the circuit you were tracing;
furthermore, it showed all the components on the same page. The hull
elementary wiring diagram, direct and general support maintenance
levels, shows all the components of the electrical system, whether
they apply to the circuit that you must trace or not.
Additionally, it introduces new symbols to you, which the lesson
described earlier.
This part of the lesson traces the master power circuit. Using the
circuit index, you find this circuit on sheets 4 and 5 of the wiring
Before you actually start to trace the circuit, review
sheets 4 through 6.
Batteries. Start tracing this circuit by finding the symbols
for the batteries on sheet 4 (top left of the diagram). The
diagrams shows you have six batteries connected in series-
Terminal Boards.
Looking at the diagram, you find the
positive wires off the batteries go to 2TB152 and the negative
wires go to 2TB151.
What other information can you obtain
from the two terminal boards? If you examine them further, you
find the lugged ends of wire harnesses 2W154/5 and 2W156
attach to the bus strips (E7, E8, E9, and E10), chassis
grounds (E2 and E4), and four find and sheet number circles
(E1 and E2) indicating the circuit continues on another sheet.