o Check the hydraulic panel pressure gage.
gage should
indicate between 100 and 300 psi (Fig. 2F).
If you are
troubleshooting the conveyor, stacker, or upper rear
door and the
pressure gage is not in the correct range, you must
the primary hydraulic system.
The troubleshooting portion of this lesson will start with the conveyor
In addition to the general procedures listed, ensure that you accomplish
the following steps:
o Fully deploy the conveyor in accordance with TM 9-2350-267-10.
o Conveyor override safety switch is in the ON position.
o Check the flow control valve; if the flow control valve is
closed, open the valve and adjust the conveyor speed (Fig. 11F).
There are four different malfunctions that could occur in the conveyor
system. Three of the four are hydraulic problems, these are the ones you
will troubleshoot. Each of the problems have their own starting point.
Listed below are the malfunctions that you will troubleshoot:
o Conveyor chain will not move.
o Conveyor moves in one direction only.
o The one malfunction you will not troubleshoot in this lesson is
the conveyor chain is jammed or broken. This is not a hydraulic
problem; troubleshoot this problem as shown in TM 9-2350-267-20.
will not move.
o Ensure the override safety switch is functioning properly. Shut
down the hydraulic system and set the MASTER switch to the OFF
position. Disconnect the ground leads from the override switch
using a multimeter; check the continuity of the switch. If there
is not continuity in the switch, it must be replaced.
continuity indicated the switch is not defective.
Connect the
ground leads to the switch and continue troubleshooting.