f. SETCOM Messages. When using the STE in testing and troubleshooting,
a number of messages could appear on the SETCOM unit. Often, these messages
refer to indexes in one or more technical manuals. Two of these indexes are
described here:
(1) Message Word Index. The message word index directs the mechanic
to a message word. The index contains the number of the message word which
should match the number appearing on the SETCOM during testing.
It also
contains the name of the part to which the message word number refers and
the TM page number where the message word can be found. A message word is a
drawing of a part of a system. The drawing is used to find a part needed to
test to find a fault. The SETCOM tells how to test the parts as seen in the
message word.
The message word drawings show the number of the message
word, the message word item name, the acronym (abbreviation) for the part in
the drawing, the drawing itself, and potential test points on the
illustrated part.
(2) Fault Number Index. A fault number index directs the mechanic to
a follow-on procedure or maintenance task needed to correct faults. A fault
number on the SETCOM during testing indicates that a fault has been found.
The fault number index contains a fault number which matches the number
appearing on the SETCOM when a fault has been found.
The index also