(1) If the SETCOM displays a cable instruction message word
number, refer to the message word number index found on page 3-553 of
TM 9-2350-252-20-2-1 and follow the SETCOM instructions.
however, for the purposes of this subcourse, that the SETCOM does not
display a cable instruction message word number.
(2) If the SETCOM displays a fault message, it would be
necessary to refer to the fault number index found on page 3-605 of
TM 9-2350-252-20-2-1. However, assume again that no fault message is
(3) The third possibility is that the display will show a NO
FAULTS FOUND message. When this is the case, two questions must be
asked before the procedure can continue. Is the test being repeated?
Has the symptom been corrected? If the test is being run for the
first time and the symptom has not been corrected, further testing is
required as described in paragraph 20 below.
If the test is being
repeated, or if the test is not being repeated but the fault symptom
that prompted the test has been corrected, the test is essentially
complete. In this case, the follow-on procedures listed below should
be performed.
(a) If the test is a repeat or the
corrected, move the TURRET POWER switch to OFF.
(b) Turn OFF the MASTER POWER switch.
(c) Remove the STE test set from the vehicle distribution
(d) If they were removed during earlier test procedures,
install the center and right turret floor plates (TM 9-2350-252-20-2-
2, page 4-22).
c. Test Continuation - Isolating a Fault.
When the SETCOM
display shows a NO FAULTS FOUND message, but a fault is evident in
the system (i.e., the symptom which prompted the test to be run in
the first place is still present), further testing will be required
to try to isolate the component which is causing the malfunction.
Once the faulty component has been located and repaired or replaced,
test 2733 should be repeated to verify a NO FAULTS FOUND condition.