Operation in the RNG1/RNG2 mode is described below:
(1) The operator visually locates the target.
(2) The operator acquires and tracks the target on the LD/R crosshairs.
(3) The operator triggers the LD/R.
(4) The LD/R receives the reflected return pulse and calculates the range.
Figure 1-10.
G/VLLD Range Finding.
(5) The operator then reads the polar coordinate data in the display.
polar coordinate data may also be relayed by the digital message device (DMD).
DMD allows a direct radio tie-in with the field communications network.
c. DES Mode. In the DES mode, the G/VLLD designates a target by providing a
laser spot for the laser-seeking ordnance to home in on. Figure 1-11 illustrates
the target designation application of the G/VLLD.
Operation in the DES mode is as follows:
(1) The operator visually locates the target.
(2) The operator acquires and tracks the target with the LD/R crosshairs.