Fine level by adjusting the three turn-buckles.
leveling is only required for the RNG1 or RNG2 mode.) The tripod has a mounting
flange for attaching the TU, which secures to the tripod with three swing bolts.
The tripod is transported in the tripod/TU backpack. Figure 1-5 shows the tripod
in the open position.
Figure 1-5.
Tripod (Open).
d. Battery.
The battery for the G/VLLD provides a 24 VDC portable power
source for field operation.
The batteries (BB 704/U) are rechargeable nickel-
cadmium (NICAD) cells. They have a operating battery life under continuous lasing
condition as indicated below:
10 minutes at 32€ to +125€ F.
7 minutes at 0€ to 32€ F.
3 minutes at 25€ to 0€ F.
The recharge time for the battery is 7 hours at 700 ma.
A battery measures 9.6" X 3.9" X 2.9" and weighs 7.5 lbs. You may quickly replace
it externally to the LD/R; recharge it in the field using the battery charger PP-
7286/U. Store and transport the battery with the LD/R in the LD/R backpack. A