If the fault you must troubleshoot does not have an ATP, notify
support maintenance.
In this part of the lesson, you must
troubleshoot TSS-1, as you did earlier.
Accessories Used for Troubleshooting with the Alternate
contacts, and aid troubleshooting. You use these accessories
to take measurements at tank component connectors, cable
harness connectors, or tank component test jacks.
accessories include pin/socket adapters, jumpers, and other
items required to make test set-ups.
You can connect the breakout box, when used with the STE
adapters and diagnostic breakout assemblies, to any electrical
connector on the tank.
But, when you do not have the STE
available, as happens when using the alternate troubleshooting
procedures, you can only connect the breakout box to assembly
test connectors using the cables and adapters in the breakout
box tool kit.
See figure 1-20 for the test accessories and
STE configuration. See figure 1-21 for the breakout box tool
kit configuration.
Look at the alternate troubleshoot procedure for TSS-1 (appendix E).
chart you used earlier in this lesson.
The introductory box under
the title contains an "Additional Tools" and a "Supplies" heading.
Block 1 contains instructions you use to prepare the tank and test
equipment for troubleshooting. For example, this block tells you how
box, and what test the multimeter must perform. At the end, it asks
a question about the voltage the multimeter showed.
Following the NO line (if the multimeter does not show
the correct
voltage), you will go to block 2.
This block tells
you how to
replace the hull networks distribution box (necessary
because the
multimeter did not show the correct voltage (18 to 30 V
dc), and it
asks you to verify that you have corrected the fault.