you to perform an action to the tank or test equipment.
Once you
have answered the question or completed the action, you must return
to block 22.
Block 22 to Block 27. Now, follow the flow line from block 22 to 23,
and then follow the NO flow line to block 24. Block 24 contains an
assemble, connect, disconnect, reconnect or remove message.
instructional purposes, follow the YES flow line to block 27 (for
actual troubleshooting of the vehicle, the answer depends on whether
or not the SETCOM displays an assemble, connect, disconnect,
reconnect or remove message).
Block 27 tells you to look at the cable instruction message index
(reproduced in appendix C of this subcourse). Turn to that appendix
and you will see that the index breaks the possible messages into
groups by the test number, gives the exact message displayed on the
SETCOM display in the left column, and the action you must take (with
a reference to a page number in the technical manual) in the right
For example, say you are currently running transmission test 1100.
Look at the cable instruction message index again; you will see that
the left column lists four possible messages for the test you are
performing. If the SETCOM displays the message,
3W104-9 XMSN J1
then you must disconnect 31W04-9/P4 from J1 on the transmission
according to page 3-1695 (TM 9-2350-264-20-1).
Once you have
completed the action required by the index, block 27 refers you back
to block 22.
Block 23 to Block 29. After you have completed the action required
in block 22, follow the flow line to block 23. From block 23 follow
the NO flow line to block 26. Out of block 26, which refers you to a
special instruction index (also located in appendix C), follow the
YES flow line to block 29.
(For actual troubleshooting of the
vehicle, the answer depends on whether or not the SETCOM displays a
special instruction message).
Take a look at the special instruction message index in appendix C.
Notice that the TM organizes this index in precisely the same way as
the cable instruction message index, with the SETCOM's fault messages
in the left column and the required corrective actions in the right.
For example, if the SETCOM displays the following fault message
(remember you still have test 1100 in progress),