the "Action" column of the
procedure on page 3-1332.
Take a moment to examine that follow-on procedure (see appendix D).
As you examine the procedure, notice that you can perform the steps
indicated using the same troubleshooting procedures you are currently
using. You will find that the same is true for all the actions this
index requires.
Block 26 to Block 31. However, for instructional purposes, you must
now go back to block 26, and follow the NO flow line to block 28.
From block 28, follow the YES flow line to block 31 (for actual
troubleshooting of the vehicle, the answer depends on whether or not
the SETCOM displays a fault message).
Block 31 refers you to the fault message index (appendix C). The TM
configures this index the same way as the other indexes you use to
troubleshoot the transmission, with fault messages in the left column
and actions required in the right. The actions required of you are
to replace or adjust a component, notify support maintenance, or
perform a follow-on procedure using the same troubleshooting
For example, say the SETCOM displays the following message (remember
you still have test 1100 in progress and be sure to look for the
correct test number in the fault index):
The "Action" column tells you to replace the hull networks
distribution box to eliminate the fault. Once you have replaced this
distribution box, test the tank to verify you have corrected the
Block 28 to Block 71. But, to continue with this lesson, return to
block 30. From block 30 follow the No flow line to block 33, which
directs you to block 71.
Block 71 instructs you to disconnect the cable connections in
preparation for test 1101, "transmission shift." You perform this
test following the same troubleshooting steps as those in the test
you just ran.
The SETCOM may display a general instruction message
(block 75); assemble, connect, disconnect, reconnect, or remove
message (block 76); special instruction message (block 78); or a
fault message (block 80).
Block 30 to Block 35. However, to continue with this lesson, return
to block 32.
This block asks if you have repeated test 1100 (you
have to perform all tests twice). The NO flow