The following call-out numbers refer to figure 1-16.
After you have completed the PMCS, place the CIB (4), VTM (3)
SETCOM (1) a CX50 (5) or SETCOM (6), CX309 (2), W1 (7), and
CX309 (8) on the tank's hull (9) by the driver's hatch (10).
Then you must make the standard cable hookups for a hull test
by making the following connections:
-- W1-P1 (11) to J1 (12) on the VTM (3).
-- W1-P2 (13) to J4 (14) on the CIB (4).
Cable CX309 (2) is a 25-foot extension cable.
If you do not
need to use cable, connect the SETCOM cable (15) or CX50-P1
(16) directly to J2 (17) on the VTM (3). (This is an option
for the operator.)
-- CX309-P1 (18) to J2 (17) on the VTM (3).
-- SETCOM cable (15) or CX50-P1 (16) to CX309-P2 (19).
-- CX50-P2 (20) to J1 (21) on the SETCOM (1).
-- CX306-P2 (22) to J5 (23) on the CIB (4).
-- CX306-P1 (24) to the NATO adapter CA1 (25).
It is NOT recommended that you connect a battery charger to
the tank during STE testing.
However, if you must use a
battery charger, make sure no heavy duty machinery or motors
operate during testing; they may affect test set operations.
After you have completed all necessary cable connections,
check all battery condition indicators.
If they all do not
give a green indicator, charge the vehicle batteries
(TM 9-2350-264-10).
When all battery indicators show green,
plug the NATO adapter CA1 (1) into the slave receptacle (2) on
the CIB (5) to the ON position.
Then, push the circuit
breaker switch (6) on the VTM (7) to the ON position. At this
time, the VTM display (8) should show . for about one
second and then change to - - - -. If the VTM does not show
the correct display, the STE test has a fault and you must
notify support maintenance (fig. 1-17).