Fault Symptom Index.
Figure 1-1 shows the fault symptom index of the X-1100-3B
transmission shift subsystem (TSS).
Note all 10 troubleshooting
procedures start at the same point.
Once you have identified the
fault, you start the troubleshooting process.
For this lesson you
will troubleshoot TSS-1, "the tank will not move in the forward or
reverse ranges."
Troubleshooting the X-1100-3B Transmission.
Refer closely and frequently to the fault isolation chart
extracted from TM 9-2350-264-20-1 and shown in appendix B as
you read about troubleshooting the transmission. Because you
must only troubleshoot TSS-1, "the tank will not move in the
forward or reverse ranges," this lesson will NOT refer to all
those pertinent to TSS-1.
Consequently, block numbers will
NOT appear in sequence.
Introductory Box (Unnumbered block).
Under the "Tools" heading in
the first box you find the only tool you need at this time (besides
your normal tool box) is a conduit style slip joint pliers with a
plastic jaw insert. This heading also lists the STE-M1/FVS test set,
which you use later in the troubleshooting process.
Also, note that the introductory box has a "Personnel Required"
heading, since this troubleshooting procedure requires two people.
Although this block does not have an "Equipment Conditions" heading,
you must remember to establish the general equipment conditions
required for all troubleshooting (given in part A of this lesson).
Once you have your tools, the required number of people on-hand, and
you have established the correct equipment conditions, you still need
to establish the standard initial test conditions before proceeding.
The procedures described in block 1 (below) come from Section IV of
TM 9-2350-264-20-1.
Block 1. Start the troubleshooting process at block 1 of the fault
isolation chart.
This block tells you to set the controls of the
tank for standard initial test conditions and asks a question:
symptom TSS-1 or TSS-3 being checked?" Before answering the question,
you must set the standard initial test conditions by doing the