Step 3.
To check for air in the fuel system, place the ignition
switch in the ON position. Open the bleed valve plug on top of the
secondary fuel filter and allow the air to bleed out of both filters.
When the fuel, free of bubbles, starts to flow, close the bleed valve
plug and wipe the parts free of fuel. Turn the ignition switch off.
If there is no air in the fuel system, check the fuel filters.
Step 4.
Check for clogged fuel filters by disconnecting the fuel
line between the fuel filter head and the injection pump at the fuel
injection pump.
Place the ignition switch in the ON position and
crank the engine to pump fuel out of the disconnected line.
Step 5.
If fuel is not pumped out of the disconnected line,
reconnect the fuel line and service the fuel filters.
If fuel is
pumped out of the disconnected line, reconnect the line and check for
incorrect or contaminated fuel in the fuel tank.
Step 6.
If the fuel is contaminated, it will have a milky white
color. If the fuel is contaminated, drain the fuel tank, fill with
the correct type of fuel, and replace the fuel filters (use the
current lubrication order for the correct type of fuel). If the fuel
is not contaminated, check the throttle cable.
Step 7.
Have an assistant depress and release the accelerator as
you check the throttle cable movement.
If there is no movement,
repair or replace the throttle/accelerator pedal linkage.
movement is detected, proceed to the next step.
Step 8.
(see figure 27 on the following page). Turn the ignition switch to
the ON position and check for +24 vdc between the wire and chassis
ground. If +24 vdc is obtained, reconnect the wire to the terminal
Then crank the engine and check to see if fuel is being pumped
at the fuel injector lines. If fuel is not being pumped through the