Operator's Manuals.
These manuals are not divided by the type of
system that has been previously covered. Therefore, the single digit that
follows the maintenance level designator (TM 9-2350-252-10-1) is the volume
number. The BFV operator's manual is divided into two volumes.
(1) Volume 1. TM 9-2350-252-10-1 is the first volume in the operator's
Volume 1 provides the operator of the BFV with information about
the principles of operation, controls and indicators, and the preventive
maintenance checks and services (PMCS) for which the operator is
responsible. Volume 1 pertains to the hull systems only.
(2) Volume 2. TM 9-2350-252-10-2 is the second volume in the operator's
manual. This volume provides the crew with information about the principles
of operation, controls and indicators, and the preventive maintenance checks
and services (PMCS) that apply to the turret only. This volume is designed
primarily for use by the gunner and the vehicle commander.
9-2350-252-20 apply to the M2/M3 BFV at the unit maintenance level. These
manuals are further broken down into the systems being covered (hull = 1,
turret = 2).
(1) Hull Maintenance at the Unit Level.
The manual that contains
procedures to be performed by unit maintenance personnel on the M2/M3 hull
have the identifying number TM 9-2350-252-20-1. These manuals are further
divided into volumes for the type of maintenance operation being performed.
And, if the manuals are lengthy, they are divided into parts. In the back
of every volume is a metric conversion chart and DA Form 2028, (this form is
used to report any errors that the user may have found in the manual).
(a) Volume 1.
TM 9-2350-252-20-1-1 contains an introduction that
covers general information, equipment data and description, and the
principles of operation.
Chapter two covers the maintenance procedures,
including the repair parts, special tools, test, measurement, and diagnostic
equipment (TMDE), services to be performed upon receipt of equipment, PMCS,
index. Chapter three deals with troubleshooting: