(5) Operators or crews use the DA Form 2404 to list faults they
cannot fix, and faults corrected by replacing parts.
(6) Unit maintenance personnel performing periodic services list
all faults found, and actions taken to correct faults.
(7) Support maintenance personnel use the DA Form 2404 to list all
Form 2404 to the DA Form 2407 that will be given to the mechanic
making the repairs. DA Form 2404 will be used as the worksheet for
correcting faults found, or for reporting to using units any
uncorrected unit level faults.
Results of such maintenance actions
are recorded on DA Form 2407.
(8) Support maintenance personnel will list all faults found
during a final inspection on a DA Form 2404. After final inspection,
DA Form 2404 is attached to DA Form 2407, to be given back to the
mechanic making the repairs. The mechanic corrects all faults found
during final inspection.
(9) A separate DA Form 2408-14 will be used solely to list
uncorrected faults and deferred maintenance actions. This form will
be kept on any item of equipment on which uncorrected faults and
deferred actions occur.
Status symbol X faults will not be entered
on the deferred maintenance DA Form 2408-14. Separate DA Forms 2408-
14 DEF MAINT are not required for rifles, protective masks, and
similar items when a single form is used to inspect and record the
status of several like items.
(10) DA Form 2404 is used to collect information on all maintenance
and services performed on vehicles involved in a DA-approved sample
data collection (SDC) plan.
(11) DA Form 2404 is used to report battlefield damage repair,
and/or replacement actions performed by unit level maintenance.
General Instructions.
(1) The way some blocks and columns on the DA Form 2404 are filled
out varies with the use of the form.
Be sure to read the
instructions that apply to the intended use of the form.