(11) Column a--PMCS Item No. Put the PMCS item number that applies
to the fault listed in column c. If the PMCS has no item number list
the page, paragraph, or sequence number.
Circle the number if the
fault is listed in the "Equipment is not ready/available" column of
the PMCS table.
If the manual has no such column, circle the PMCS
item number of any fault that makes the equipment NMC.
Publications other than the PMCS may be required
example, AR 385-55 lists safety checks that may
not be in the PMCS.
Those faults will not be
counted as NMC for the DA Form 2406, unless they
are in the PMCS "not ready" column. These faults
are listed on DA Form 2404 if one is found to be
a problem.
(12) Column b--Status. Enter the status symbol that applies to the
fault. Symbols are found on the DA Form 2404.
(13) Column c--Deficiencies and Shortcomings. Briefly describe the
fault in column c.
Skip two or three lines between faults to give
maintenance personnel room to make notes of actions they take. When
more than one TM covers the equipment, draw a line under the last
entry for one TM. Under the line, write the TM number of the manual
used next.
Follow the PMCS to the end.
Do not stop when one fault is found..
Complete the PMCS to ensure that no other faults exist.
When using a DA Form 2404 for more than one item of equipment (e.g.,
25 M16A1 rifles), enter the serial or administrative number for the
item with the fault.
Write the fault on the line below the serial
When listing faults not covered by the PMCS, add the
publication that covers the faults (e.g., SOP, AR 385-55).