In the previous discussions, series and parallel circuits have been
considered separately. The technician will encounter circuits consisting of
both series and parallel elements. A circuit of this type is referred to as
a combination circuit.
Solving for the quantities and elements in a
combination circuit is simply a matter of applying the laws and rules
discussed up to this point.
a. Solving Combination-Circuit Problems. The basic technique used for
simplify a complex circuit to a simple circuit containing only one load,
The procedures for working these type of problems were covered in paragraph
5a(5), on page 87, and will not be repeated here.
b. Redrawing Circuits for Clarity. You will notice that the schematic
as neat square figures, with each branch easily identified.
In actual practice, the wired circuits and more complex schematics are
rarely laid out in this simple form. For this reason, it is important to
recognize that circuits can be drawn in a variety of ways, and to learn some
of the techniques for redrawing them into their simplified form.
When a
circuit is redrawn for clarity or to its simplified form, the following
steps are used:
Step 1: Trace the current paths in the circuit.
Step 2: Label the junctions in the circuit.
Step 3: Recognize points which are the same potential.
Step 4: Visualize a rearrangement, "stretching" or "shrinking" of connecting
Step 5: Redraw the circuit into simpler form (through stages if necessary).