o The fault may not be important enough to take time away from the
mission, so repairing the fault can wait until the next scheduled service or
trip to the supporting unit.
The needed repair part is not on hand.
Other reasons, at the CO's discretion.
Faults the CO's designated representative decides to defer go on the DA Form
2404 DEF MAINT. Print "DA Form 2404 DEF MAINT" in column d for these items.
f. Downgrading Status Symbol X Faults (see figure 5 on the following
(1) Although status symbol X faults cannot be deferred, they may be
downgraded. The CO, or the maintenance/motor officer, when designated, may
downgrade an X to a circled X. Downgrade an X status symbol only when the
equipment is crucial to the mission, or must be moved under its own power.
Downgrading the X must not put the operator or crew in
danger, or further damage the equipment.
If both
conditions cannot be met, the X may not be downgraded.
If the equipment can be operated safely under specific
limits, the X may be downgraded and the specific
limits listed.
If all the conditions for downgrading an X can be met, circle the X in
column b.
(2) Column d - Corrective Action.
(a) Print "Cleared for Limited Operations".
Add the specific
limits under which the equipment can be operated. These limits may involve
such factors as speed, mission type, distance, weather, and time.
downgrade may affect a subsystem of a system, listed in Appendix B, section
II of DA Pam 738-750. In that case, the specified limits must include that
part of the mission which the system can no longer perform.