When an entry in block 4 is required, begin with block 4a, "Miles".
the meter reading, in miles or kilometers, as of the date in block 5.
"M" before a reading in miles or "K" before a reading in kilometers.
block 4a blank if miles or kilometers do not apply to the equipment.
In block 4b, enter the meter reading in hours as of the date in block 5.
Leave block 4b blank if hours do not apply to the equipment.
Leave block 4c (Rounds Fired) and 4d (Hot Starts) blank for operator/crew
(5) Block 5 - Date. Block 5 is treated just like blocks 4c and 4d
for operator/crew PMCS. If no faults are found during one day's PMCS, leave
block 5 blank.
If a fault is found, enter the current calendar date in
block 5.
(6) Block 6 - Type Inspection.
Enter the type of PMCS being
performed (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). When doing more than one type of PMCS
at the same time, use the first letter of the type being performed (e.g.,
D/W, D/W/M).
When no faults are found, the DA Form 2404 can be used for
more than one day, even if the form was used for concurrent PMCS.
place the first letter of the type of PMCS performed in column d, by that
day's date in column c.
(7) Blocks 7 - TM Number, TM Date. Enter the TM number and date of
the PMCS TM. When two TMs cover an item, put the second TM number and date
in the second number and date blocks. When the manual has changes, print
"W/C" and the latest change number after the TM number--but show the date of
the basic manual.
(8) Blocks 8a and 8b - Signature and Time.
The operator or crew
chief signs block 8a, and enters his rank, when a deficiency or not mission
capable (NMC) fault in the equipment is found. A signature in this block
keeps the form from being used past the current dispatch. Block 8b is left
blank, or used as needed locally.
(9) Blocks 9a and 9b - Signature and Time.
These blocks are left
blank, or used as needed locally.