Press the GO key. CONNECT CX304 TO CIB J2 should appear on the display.
Plug CX304-P2 connector into the J2 connector on the CIB.
Be careful when connecting CX304 to the CIB.
The connector
pins are easy to break.
Press the GO key.
The display will read TEST IN PROGRESS PLEASE WAIT.
Wait for the display to change.
When the new message appears, it will
say one of two things.
If it says FAULTY CIB, press STOP and then CLEAR, then
replace the CIB, in accordance with TM 9-4910-751-14-1, and repeat the self-test.
If the message reads REMOVE CX304 AND PLUG TA301, remove plug TA301 from cable
CX304. Then remove the CX304-P2 connector from the J2 connector on the CIB.
When plug TA301 and cable CX304 have been removed, press the GO key. The
message on the display should read CONNECT CX305 TO CIB J2.
Substituting cable
CX305 for CX304 in this way will help the test set to determine whether the faulty
component is cable CX304 or TA301.
Plug the CX305-P2 connector into the J2
connector on the CIB. Remember to make the connection carefully because the pins
can be easily bent or broken.
With cable CX305 connected to J2 on the CIB, press the GO key. CONNECT
PLUG TA301 TO C1305 should appear on the display. Connect plug TA301 to connector
Press the GO key.
The message TEST IN PROGRESS PLEASE WAIT should appear
on the display.
Wait for the display to change. If the message FAULTY TA301 appears on
the display, replace TA301 and repeat the self-test. If the message FAULTY CX304
appears on the display, replace cable CX304 and repeat tie self-test.
Step 5.
If the self-test did not detect a problem with cable CX304, and the
message REMOVE PLUG TA301