(c) If the delay is until the next scheduled service, print
"Scheduled for next PM service." State which service, and the date,
or miles, or hours when the service is due.
(d) If a shop backup is causing the delay, put the work request
number in column d.
(e) When possible, enter a calendar date when it is expected
that the reason for the delay will no longer apply, such as the date
a service is due, or the date a part on order is expected to arrive.
Circled X faults listed on a DA Form 2404 DEF MAINT will have a date
when the limited operations will end. If no date is available, give
a calendar date when the downgrade action will be reviewed by the CO
or maintenance/motor officer.
This date will be no more than one
week from the date of the downgrade action.
Print "Downgraded on
Downgrade ends [date]." Maintenance supervisors, leaders,
and operators must review the DA Form 2404 DEF MAINT regularly for
faults that are overdue to be repaired.
(f) Do not use a DA Form 2404 DEF MAINT to list faults that are
on a DA Form 2407 for repair.
(g) More space or lines under column d may be used for the name
of the person picking up parts, listing action taken, etc.
(h) When the fault is corrected, the person doing the work
enters the calendar date in column d.
(12) Column e--Initial When Corrected.
The CO or his designated
representative initials column e when the entry is made. For quality
control, a second person will check work performed on circled X
status symbol faults. When that is done, the person doing the work
initials the status symbol. The inspector initials column d and the
CO, or his designated representative, initials column e.
Using the DA Form 2404 for Battlefield Damage Assessment and
Repair (BDAR).
(1) Blocks 1 through 5 are used as for other uses of the DA Form
2404, previously discussed.
(2) Block 6--Type Inspection.
Enter the letters "BDAR" in block