700-138. In the case of missile systems, or equipment reported under
AR700-138, the time when an item was found to be NMC is entered in
block 9b.
(10) Block 10--Man-Hours.
This block is left blank unless it is
required for local use.
(11) Column a--TM Item Number.
Enter the TM item number that
applies to the faults listed in column c. Circle the number if the
fault makes the equipment NMC for the DA Form 2406.
(12) Column b--Status. Enter the status symbol that applies to the
fault listed in column c.
(13) Column c--Deficiencies and Shortcomings (Minor Faults).
Briefly describe the fault in the equipment. When more than one TM
is used for the inspection or service, draw a line under the last
entry for a TM. Under the line, print the number of the next manual
to be used.
When more than one item or like models are inspected,
using the same form, enter the serial number or administration number
of each item that is faulty.
On the following lines, briefly
describe the fault.
It is not necessary to list fully serviceable
items when using a DA Form 2404 for more than one item or like
(14) Column d--Corrective Action.
Explain the action taken to
correct the fault. Note any parts replaced or ordered and work done.
For equipment needing a DA Form 2409, note repair work done and parts
replaced. Put that information on the DA Form 2409. Print "DA Form
2409" in column d for those items.
If parts are needed, the PLL
clerk orders them and enters the document numbers in column d.
(15) Column e--Initial When Corrected.
The mechanic initials any
faults that are corrected.
He also initials over the status symbol
for those faults.
For quality control, the inspector or a designated representative
checks all corrected status symbol X faults.
The inspector then
initials in column e, in place of the person who performed the
The mechanic, however, initials over the status symbol in
column b.