(4) Blocks 4a through 4d--Miles, Hours, Rounds Fired, Hot Starts.
Enter the meter reading in miles or kilometers as of the date in
block 5. Place an "M" before a reading in miles, or a "K" before a
reading in kilometers.
Leave block 4a blank if miles or kilometers
do not apply to the equipment, or if the equipment has no odometer.
Also, leave block 4a blank if the DA Form 2404 covers more than one
In block 4b, enter the meter reading in hours as of the date in block
Leave this block blank if hours do not apply to the equipment,
the equipment has no hourmeter, or the DA Form 2404 covers more than
one item.
In block 4c, enter the rounds fired as of the date in block 5. Leave
this blank if rounds fired do not apply to the equipment, or if the
DA Form 2404 covers more than one item.
Block 4d, "Hot Starts," is left blank.
(5) Block 5--Date.
The current calendar date is entered in block
(6) Block 6--Type Inspection.
Enter the type of inspection or
service to be performed (lubrication, monthly, quarterly, semiannual,
When performing more than one inspection or service at the
same time, put the service symbols in block 6 (L/S, etc.).
(7) Blocks 7--TM Number, TM Date.
Enter the number and date of
the equipment TM.
When two TMs cover an item, put the second TM
number and date in the second number and date block. When the manual
has changes, print "W/C" and the latest change number after the TM
number--but show the date of the basic manual.
(8) Blocks 8a and 8b--Signature and Time. When the inspection or
service is done, the person doing the job signs block 8a. The entry
is first name, middle initial, last name, rank.
Block 8b is left
blank, unless needed locally.
(9) Blocks 9a and 9b--Signature and Time. This signature block is
left blank, unless needed locally.
The time block is also left
blank, unless needed locally, or unless the form is being used for
missile systems and equipment reported under AR