Multiply 7.32 by 0.032.
Count off the 5 places
from right to left in the product.
Between this
figure and the next one
to the left, place the decimal point. You should
now have as many figures
to the right of the decimal point in the product as
the total number you had
in the two factors.
point is simply moved one place to the left. If multiplying by 0.01, the
decimal point is moved two places to the left. The decimal point is moved
three places left when multiplying by 0.001.
If necessary, zeros may be
added to the left of the multiplicand (the number to be multiplied). Thus,
32.4 x 0.0001 provides a product of 0.00324.
one place to the right.
When multiplying by 100, 1000, etc., simply move
the decimal point to the right as many places as there are zeros in the
Rule 1. Set up the dividend and divisor as in division of whole numbers.
Move the decimal point in the divisor to the right of the right-hand figure.
Then move the decimal point in the dividend to the right, the same number of
places that the point was moved in the divisor (add zeros to the dividend if
necessary). Place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the new
position of the decimal point in the dividend. Divide as in whole numbers.
When dividing by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, etc., move the decimal point one, two,
three, etc., places in the dividend to the right, adding zeros if needed.
Therefore, when dividing