The diagrams use a circle, with a horizontal line through
the center, as the symbol indicating a circuit continues
at another place on the same sheet. The letter in the top
portion of the symbol shows the reference letter to find
on the same sheet.
Diagonal lines fill its bottom half.
For example:
The example above indicates the circuit continues on same
sheet and you must look for find letter B.
The diagrams use a square, with a horizontal line through
the center, as the symbol indicating a lamp monitor
circuit continues on another sheet of the diagram.
number in the top portion of the symbol shows the
reference number to find on the new sheet. The number in
the bottom portion of the symbol gives the sheet number on
which the circuit continues. For example:
The example above indicates that a lamp monitor circuit
continues on sheet number 4 and that you must look for
find number 3.
The diagrams use an octagon, with a horizontal line
through the center, as the symbol to show that a
maintenance monitor circuit continues on another sheet of
the diagram. The number in the top portion of the symbol
shows the find number to locate on the new sheet.
number in the bottom portion of the symbol shows the sheet
number on which the circuit continues. For example: