The example above tells you that you are looking at the hull
elementary wiring diagram used at the DS/GS levels of maintenance,
and that you have the first of 30 sheets that make up the complete
wiring diagram.
In the schematics and wiring diagrams you use to maintain and repair
the tank's electrical system, different symbols show the purpose of
the symbols used on the first page.
If the schematic or wiring
diagram does not list and identify its symbols, refer to Appendix A
of TM 9-2350-264-24-1 for a listing of the symbols used. (See sheet
1 of the hull elementary wiring diagram (extracted from TM 9-2350-
264-24-1) in appendix A of this lesson, for examples.)
or more sheets, you must have a way to locate a circuit when
it continues on another sheet.
Additionally, you must have
the same capability when a circuit continues at a different
point on the same sheet.
The schematics or wiring diagram may show the highest find
number used also.
For example, look at sheet 1 of the hull
elementary wiring diagram.
At the lower right side of this
sheet, you find the highest find number it uses (151).
Find and sheet numbers.
The schematics and wiring
diagrams use a circle, with a horizontal line through the
center, as the symbol indicating a circuit continues on
another sheet of the diagram.
The number in the top
portion of the symbol shows the reference number to find
on the new sheet. The number in the bottom portion of the
symbol shows the sheet number on-which the circuit
continues. For example:
The example above indicates the circuit continues on sheet number 2
and you must look for find number 1.