a. Initial Setup.
When actually performing the boresighting
procedures for the 25mm gun, the coaxial machinegun, the TOW
launcher, the ISU, and the backup sight, a number of initial
requirements must be met.
For example, in actual practice, the
procedures would require two people, and TM 9-2350-252-10-1 and TM 9-
2350-252-10-2 should be on hand.
Additionally, a number of tools
would be needed to perform the procedures, and the equipment should
be properly prepared.
(1) Tools Needed.
The following tools are needed to perform
the boresighting procedures:
(a) A 25mm boresight adapter.
(b) A 7.62mm boresight kit.
(c) A 1/8 inch flat tip screwdriver.
(d) A 1/2 inch socket wrench extension.
(e) A 1/2 inch square drive socket wrench ratchet handle.
(f) A 1/2 inch square drive socket wrench socket.
(g) A 9/16 inch 12 point opening socket wrench.
(h) A 3/8 inch wide blade flat tip screwdriver.
(2) Equipment Conditions.
Before beginning the boresighting
procedures, the engine on the Bradley fighting vehicle should be
stopped. It is vital that the weapons be unloaded in accordance with
the procedures outlined in TM 9-2350-252-10-2 before starting to
boresight. Therefore, be sure that the 25mm gun is unloaded (TM page
2-303), the coaxial machinegun is unloaded (TM page 2-359), and the
TOW launcher is unloaded (TM page 2-400).
The gunner's hatch cover
should be open (TM 9-2350-262-10-2, page 2-150) and the turret travel
lock should be engaged (TM 9-2350-252-10-2, page 2-141). When all of
these conditions have been met, the MASTER POWER switch should be
turned ON, and boresighting can begin.
b. Boresighting Procedures.
Boresighting requires at least two
With the correct tools and technical manuals on hand, and
the equipment properly prepared, boresighting of the 25mm gun can