appears on the main sweep. The start of the intensified zone is
determined by the DELAY TIME, MULT dial setting. The duration
of the intensified zone is determined by the delayed
time/division switch setting. The purpose of the intensified
sweep mode is to locate the portion of the trace that is to be
displayed in the displayed sweep mode.
3 DELAYED SWEEP. In the delayed sweep mode, the delayed
time/division switch is pushed in and the part of the display
shown in the intensified zone discussed previously is then
displayed on the delayed sweep and expanded over the full 10
centimeter horizontal scale. The magnitude of expansion from
the intensified to the delayed mode is the ratio of the main
sweep to the delayed sweep time per division setting. The delay
time from the start of the main sweep to the start of the
delayed sweep is found by multiplying the main sweep time per
division by the DELAY TIME MULT dial setting. The delayed sweep
mode enables the operator to select any part of the main sweep
display and expand that part for more careful analysis, and to
make precise time difference measurements.
(k) VARIABLE Potentiometer/Switch. Provides for
uncalibrated, continuously variable deflection factors between
the calibrated settings of t he TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME switch.
The uncalibrated deflection factor range is extended to at least
12.5 seconds per division. When the control is set to the
extreme clockwise position, the switch is operated to select the
calibrated deflection factors.
(1) DLY'D TRIG Potentiometer/Switch. Selects the mode and
level. for delayed triggering. When the control is in the
extreme clockwise (RUNS AFTER DLY TIME) position, the delayed
sweep runs immediately following delay time selection by the
TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME switch, and the DELAY TIME MULT 10turn
dial potentiometer. Delayed SLOPE, COUPLING, and SOURCE
switches are not activated.
When the control is turned counterclockwise from the switch
detent, the delayed sweep is triggerable. The LEVEL
potentiometer then selects the point on the trigger signal at
which the delayed sweep is triggered and the delayed SLOPE,
COUPLING, and SOURCE switches are activated.