(a) LINE FUSES. Provides overload protection to the
oscilloscope circuits.
(b) MAIN SWP OUTPUT Connector. Provides the connecting
point for connecting the cable to the monitor main sweep output
(c) DELAYED SWP OUTPUT Connector. Provides the connecting
point for connecting the cable to the monitor delayed sweep
output signal.
(d) EXT Z AXIS Connector. Provides the connecting point for
connecting the cable to supply the external intensification
control signal.
(e) MAIN SWP GATE OUTPUT Connector. Provides the connecting
point for connecting the cable to the monitor main sweep gate
output signal.
(f) DELAYED SWP GATE OUTPUT Connector. Provides the
connecting point for connecting the cable to the monitor delayed
sweep gate output signal.
(g) DELAYED TRIG OUTPUT Connector. Provides the connecting
point for the cable to the monitor delayed trigger output signal.
(h) Power Input Connector and Cable. Provides for the
connection of the external power cable to the oscilloscope.
d. Operation. The paragraphs that follow contain the
AN/USM281C oscilloscope. Included in this discussion are the
turnon procedures, operating procedures, and the turnoff
procedures. Note that it is not necessary that all three plug
in compartments be filled in order to operate the oscilloscope.
However, at environmental extremes, electromagnet interference
may be radiated into or out of the oscilloscope through an empty
compartment. If a plugin unit is not available, it may be
necessary to cover an empty compartment with a blank panel.
operation as follows: