or 0.7 inch in diameter at the small end; and 7/2 or 3 1/2 inches long.
Therefore, formulas for these dimensions would read:
The Jarno taper is used on various machine tools, especially profiling
machines and for die-sinking machines.
It has also been used for the
headstock and tailstock spindles on some lathes.
5 The Standard taper pins are used for positioning and holding
parts together and have a 1/4 inch taper per foot. Standard sizes in these
pins range from No. 7/0 to No. 10. The tapered holes used in conjunction
with the tapered pins use the processes of step-drilling and taper reaming.
(b) To preserve the accuracy and efficiency of tapers (shanks and holes)
they must be kept free from dirt, chips, nicks, or burrs.
The most
important factor in regard to tapers is to keep them clean. The next most
important factor is to remove all oil by wiping the tapered surfaces with a
soft, dry cloth before use, because an oily taper will not hold.
During this task, we have discussed the various types of lathes,
encounter in the machine shop.
With proper application, this information
performing these functions in the metalworking field. In task two and three
of this lesson, grinding, milling attachments, and thread forms will be