(14) Induction The action or process of producing voltage by the
(15) Insulation A substance that stops movement of electricity
(electrical insulation) or heat (heat insulation).
(16) Magnet Any body that has the ability to attract iron.
lines of force permeate.
(18) Magnetic Pole Focus of magnetic lines of force entering or
emanating from a magnet.
(19) Magnetism The property exhibited by certain substances and
produced by electron, electric current, and/or motion which results in the
attraction of iron.
(20) Negative A term designating the point of lower potential when
(21) Ohm A unit of measure of electrical resistance.
electrical devices have like terminals connected together, positive to positive
or negative to negative, so that each may operate independently of the other.
(23) Positive A term designating the point of higher potential when
circuit indicated by the work necessary to bring a unit positive charge from
infinity; the degree of electrification as compared to some standard. For
example: the earth.
(25) Relay In the electrical system, a device that opens or closes a
second circuit in response to voltage or amperage changes in a controlling
(26) Resistance The opposition offered by a substance or body to the
passage through it of an electric current.
(27) Series Circuit The electrical circuit formed when two or more
electrical devices have unlike terminals connected together, positive to
negative, so that the same current must flow through all.