(4) For joints having more than one weld, a symbol will be shown for each weld (refer to
figure 7, view E, on page 15).
(5) When the basic weld symbols are inadequate to indicate the desired weld, the weld
will be shown by a cross section, detail or other data, with a reference on the welding symbol,
observing the usual location significance (figure 8, view D, on the previous page).
Fillet Welds.
(1) Dimensions of fillet welds will be shown on the same side of the reference line as the
weld symbol (figure 9, view A, on the following page).
(2) When fillet welds are indicated on both sides of a joint and no general note governing
the dimensions of the welds appears on the drawing, the dimensions will be indicated as follows:
(a) When both welds have the same dimensions, one or both may be dimensioned
(figure 8, views B and C).
(b) When the welds differ in dimensions, both will be dimensioned (figure 9, view
(3) When fillet welds are indicated on both sides of a joint and a general note governing
the dimensions of the welds appears on the drawing, neither weld need be dimensioned. But if
the dimensions of one or both welds differ from the dimensions given in the general note, both
welds shall be dimensioned (figure 9, views C or D).
Size of Fillet Welds.
(1) The size of a fillet weld will be shown to the left of the weld symbol (figure 9, view
(2) The size of a fillet weld with unequal legs will be shown in parentheses to the left of
the weld symbol. Weld orientation is not shown by the symbol and will be shown on the
drawing when necessary (figure 9, view E).