(6) When an entire section of a vehicle is knocked out of alignment,
another aspect of X-checking measurement must be considered.
The body
proper can be considered as a cube.
It is a simple matter to determine
whether or not a cube is square by checking the diagonals from opposite
corners as shown in figure 12 on the previous page.
(7) The diagonals checked should be from one corner of the box to
another so that they cross in the exact center of the cube.
(8) This same principle can
sections of an automobile body.
(9) This method of checking can also be applied to checking one section
with another section.
Body and Fender Repair Techniques
a. General. Restoring vehicle body panels of sheet metal to their normal
contour after they have been damaged is referred to as metal bumping or
dinging. Every job involved in metal bumping, requires fine handwork. To
become a good metal body repairman, mastery of each phase of work is
required. In collision work, use of the hammer is one of the most important
Analyzing Damage.
(1) The ultimate success of any collision repair job depends on the
accuracy of the analysis of what is damaged and how it occurred. Collision
work must be approached on this basis, but goes a step further. Not only
must you first determine what is wrong, but you must establish how it got
that way and the order in which it happened.
(2) Although the straightening of body panels and fenders comprises the
greatest volume of collision work, collision damage also occurs to the
mechanical parts of the vehicle.
The repair of mechanical parts is an
important part of the total repair of collision damage.
When you are
finished repairing a vehicle damaged in collision or one that has turned
over, it must run well, it must steer well, the brakes must operate
properly, and all of the electrical units must be in operating condition.
Although the correction of mechanical