Welding Operations, ITask 1. Electrodes Classification and Intended uses, Authomotive Welding Processes, Matarials Identification and Uses of ElectrodesClassification of Electrodes.The electrode identification system for stainless steel arc-welding is set up as follows:Types of ElectrodesShielded-arc or Heavy-coated Electrodes.Figure 2. Arc Action and Electric Welding PolarityFunctions of Electrode CoatingsPolarity of Welding Current (figure 2, View B).Direct Current Arc-Welding Electrodes.Electrodes Defects and Their effects.Automotive Welding Processes, Materials, and IdentificationDetermining the Welding MethodFigure 3. Preparing Engine Block For Welding.Procedure - od165180020Heat Treated Parts.Figure 4. Reinforcing Frame MembersRear Axle Housings.Welding Joint DesignCorner Joint Figure 6. Corner, Edge, Lap , and Tee Joints.Edge Joint Figure 7. Tee joint Edge Preparation Figure 8. Groove WeldsFigure 9. Surfacing, Plug , and Slot WeldsFigure 10. Seam. Spot, flash. and Upset Welds.Welding tecniquesFigure 11. Welding PositionsTable 1. Current Settings for bare And Lightly Coated Electrodes.Table 2. Current Settings for Mineral and Cellulose Coated Electrodes.Figure 12. Starting the ArcTwo Procedures, Describes in the following Subparagraphs, Are Use to .Break the ArcTable 3. Effets of Maladjustments of Welding Current voltage And Speed on ther Bead Characteristics.Figure 13. Arc Characteristic and DeffectsBead Welding (fig14 on the Following Page.).Figure 14. orrect EletrorodePositiopn for Welds and Proper Bead And WeldsFlat Position Welding (Figure !5 on the following 5)figure 15. Flat Position WeldingFigure 16.Multipass Bead Wels , Weldinjg Motions, abnd undercutting and Welds with BacksStripsButt Joints in Flat Oisition with Backup Strips (Figure 16, View D. )Figure 17. Plug and Slot Joints and tack welding Tee JointsHorizontal Position Welding.Figure 18: Fifllet WeldingFigure 19: IntermittentWelds,ack Welding, And electrode PositionVertical Position WeldingFigure 20. Lap Joints and Welding Vertically.Butt JointsFigure 21 . Vertical Welding And Butt Joints.Figure 22. Vertical Fillet WeldsBead WeldsFigure 23. Overhead Position WeldingButt Joints.Fillet Welds (figure 24).Electric Arc Welding of Ferrous MetalsTool Steels.High Yield Strenght, Low Alloy Structural Steels.Cast IronElectric Arc Welding of Nonferrous Metals Welding Techniques.Conclusion - od165180065Describe the theory, principles, and procedures of welding armor plateGeneral - od165180067Welding Armor PlateFile Test.Cutting Armor PlateFigure 25. Cutting Stainless Steel Welds Figure 26. Removing Surface Defects From Stainless Steel WeldsCutting with the Electric ArcWelding Homogenous Armor PlateFigure 27. Welding Cracks in Homogenous ArmorFigure 28. Root Bead WeldProcedure - od165180077Figure 29. Weld Beads On Homogenous Armor PlateFigure 30. Homogenous Armor Common Defects And Remedial ProceduresFigure 31. Welding Single V Joints On Homogenous Armor Plate.Figure 32. Welding Double V Joints On Homogenous Armor Plate.Emergency RepairsRepairing Bulges.Repairs Made from One SideFigure 35. Double V Plug Welding.Figure 36. Correct and Incorrect Plug Weld Preparation Repairs with Nonwelded Butt Strap.Welding Face Hardened Armor PlateFigure 38. Prepairing Gouges in Homogenous Armor PlateFigure 39. Butt Strap Welds for Face Hardened Armor Plate.Figure 40. Sealing Crack in Face Hardened ArmorFigure 41. Butt Strap.Armor Plate Repair Methods.Figure 43. V Joint Welding Face Hardened Armor Plate.Figure 44. Depressed Joint On face Hardened Armor Plate And Seal Bead Weld.Armor Plate Welding Electrodes.Testing of WeldsPhysical Tests.Destructive Tests.Figure 45. Guided Bend Test Jig.Free Bend Test.Figure 46. Free Bend Test.Figure 47. Nick Break Test.Nondestructive Tests.Troubleshooting Welds.Poor Weld Appearance.Warping of Thin Plates.Practical Exercise - od165180108Practical Exercise Cont. - od165180109Lesson 1. Practical Exercise- Answers - od165180110Lesson 1. Practical Exercise- Answers cont. - od165180111References - od165180112References - od165180113