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> Milling Machine Operations
Milling Machine Operations
Lesson 1. Milling Machine Operations
Milling Machines
Bench-type Plain Horizontal Milling Machine
Ram-type Milling Machines.
Figure 2. Swivel Cutter Head Ram-Type Milling Machine
Power Feed Mechanism.
Figure 3. Tapers Used for Milling Machines.
Size Designation.
Milling Machines Accessories And Attachments
Standard Milling Machine Arbor
Shell End Milling Cutter Arbor
Figure 5. Types of Milling Machine Arbors
Collets and Spindles.
Figure 6. Indexing Fixture.
Mounting and Indexing Work
Methods of Mounting Workpieces
Holding Workpieces Between Centers.
Holding Workpieces in the Vise.
Figure 7. Universal Vise
Figure 8. Mounting Workpiece in the Vise
Figure 9. Application Of Holldown Straps
Figure 10. Simple Indexing Mechanism
Figure 11. Inmdex Plateand Sector
Direct Indexing.
Angular Indexing.
Angular Indexing. - Continued
Milling Machine Operations - od164480034
Speeds For Milling Cutters.
Speed Computation.
Feeds For Milling
Table 2: Milling Cutter Rotational Speeds
Typical Feeds
Plain Milling
Table 3. Cutting Oils For Milling Operations
Angular Milling.
Figure 13. Plain Milling Operations
Operation - od164480044
Figure 16. Face Milling
Straddle Milling
Figure 17. Milling Spline Shafts
Form Milling.
Woodruff Keyway Milling.
Figure 20. Woodruff Keyway Dimensions
Gear Cutting.
Table 4. Involute Gear Milling Cutters.
Adjustments With The Dial Indicator.
Figure 22. Indicator Positions for Checking Adjustments.
Troubleshooting. - od164480056
Boring or Milling Out Of Square Or At An Angle.
Plain Milling Machine-knee Type.
Checking GIb Adjustments.
Conclusion - od164480060
Milling Cutters
Milling Cutter Nomenclature
Figure 23. Milling Cutter Nomenclature.
Types of Teeth
kinds of Milling Cutters
Figure 245, Plain cutters
Figure 26. Sude Milling Cutters
Figure 27. End Milling cutters
Figure 28. T- Slot Milling Cutter.
Figure 29. Single- Angle Milling Cutters.
Figure 30 Concave, Convex,and Corner Royunding milling Cutters
Figure 32. Fly Arbor And Fly Cutters
Selection of Milling Cutters
Fiogure 33. Effect Of Milling Cutter Diameter On Workpiece Travel
Conclusion - od164480075
Practical Exercise - od164480076
Practical Exercise cont. - od164480077
Lesson 1. Practical Exercise- Answers - od164480078
Lesson 1. Practical Exercise- Answers cont. - od164480079
References - od164480080
The following Documents Were used As materials in developing This Subcourse:
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