b. Trace the STBY CMD from 4W1XA10-20 to the mode switch on the
gunner's display.
(1) 4W1XA10-20
The solutions to these wire tracing sequences are found at the end of
this lesson.
If you are unsuccessful in tracing these two signals,
reread paragraph 4 and attempt the wire tracing sequences again.
Remember, the procedures for assigning reference designators and for
wire tracing vary with different equipment.
Always refer to the
current technical manual for the specific equipment you are working
Wire Tracing Sequence Solutions.
The solutions to the wire
tracing sequences in paragraph 5 were listed below with the page
numbers from table 3-2 of appendix C. If you are successful, proceed
to the Practice Exercise following this lesson.
a. Trace the CMDR CABLE BITE signal from 3W1P1-3 to 4W1XA6-24.
3W1P1-3 (3-10)
3W1J1-R (3-10)
3W4P5-R (3-7)
3W4P1-Z (3-7)
4W1J2-Z (3-17)
4W1XA6-24 (3-17)
b. Trace the STBY CMD from 4W1XA10-20 to the mode switch on the
Gunner's Display.
4W1XA10-20 (3-23)
4W1J2->W (3-23)
3W4P1->W (3-5)
3W4P4-R (3-5)
2W1J1-R (3-13)
2W1S1-2 (3-13)